trucking accidents are incredibly serious

Annually, thousands of motorists are hurt, seriously injured, or killed by trucks operated in a negligent or reckless fashion.

Despite tough federal regulations of trucking companies, many companies skirt the rules in order to increase their profits. Some trucking companies let their employees operate trucks for too many hours, leading them to become tired or sleepy behind the wheel. While the federal government has regulations on how many hours a driver can safely operate their truck, some companies push drivers to exceed those limits to increase the money in their pocket.

If you have been involved in any kind of trucking accident, it is very important that you contact a lawyer today. The more time passes following an accident, the higher the risk crucial evidence like log books may be lost or destroyed. The sooner you can get a lawyer involved to start working the preserve the evidence, the better.

Contact Klein & Sheridan, LC and let us help you with your trucking injury case. You can us toll free at (800) 995-5152, or use our contact form below.